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This disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder which impairs the memory of the affected patient. Stem cells are extracted and implemented into the brain to intact damged brain tissue. They repair lodisfunctional neurons in the brain to induce functioncal recovery. Stem cells also inhace neuroplasticity which allows the brain to develop healthy neuronal connections. 

Spinal cord injury is due to the traumatic events of either traffic or sports accident. It effects the motor skills and sensory skills of the individual. The use of stem cell therapy hopefully allows the individual to regain the needed functions of moving and feeling. Overall, about 25% tested were able to see improvement in their post-injury performance. More test are to be made by culturing the stem cells the way the spinal cord cells were injured in order to test treatment and medication on them. 

Burns on the skin lead to a lack of protection from water loss, temperature change, radiation, trauma, and infection. Using embryonic and adult stem cells could repair the damged skin to form new skin cells. This also allows a speedy recovery and a majority of the skin to be fully healed. Stem cells replace the burned skin cells to grown and develop a new layer of tissue of the damged area. 

Also known as cadiovascular disease which can lead to hypertension in the heart, stroke, and heart failure. It deprives heart tissue from oxygen which leads to killing muscle cells in the heart. The destruction of these cells creates pressure and clogged valves. In order to repair the damaged tissue and muscle cells stem cells are injected into the blood circulation or the damaged area. The stem cells help improve cardiac function and create new capillaries. Research and testing still are underway as scientist are trying to ensure it's safety and efficacy. 

The inflammation of joints causing pain and stiffness immoblizing certain parts of the body such as ankles or knees. Companies such as Regenexx have already taken a step foward in repairing arthritis through the use of stem cells. Regnexx utilizes the patient's own stem cells or blood platelets to repair the damaged joints. Adult stem cells are injected directly to the damaged area to repair tissue allowing the release of pressue on the specific joint. 

Alzheimer's Disease 

Spinal Cord Injury




Heart Disease

Applying stem cells to the medical field is the future stepping stone of regenerative medicine. There are four main applications of stem cells: to repair damaged tissue or organs, to study the development of cells, to study diseases, and to provide as a resource to testing new medical treatment. The implemenation of stem cells allows Scientist to be able to understand how undifferentiated cells becoem differentiated and used in the human body to restore any damages. Through cell therapy stem cells are able to maintain human organs under medical conditions. Below are specific ways the application of stem cells can benefit the human body. 

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